Refrain from licking your lips. Every time you do so, it removes natural oils that keep moisture in your skin. In turn, that moisture evaporates, leaving them feeling dry and cracked with nothing to protect them.

As the most delicate parts of the face, lips have few oil glands of their won, so tho help keep them soft and healthy they often need external moisture. 

Dehydration can happen when you spend too much time in dry environments (heating systems are the main culprit here), if you breathe through your mouth at night, or if you’re not drinking an adequate amount of water every day. To combat winter dehydration, drink plenty of fluids — especially water and apply lip balm often throughout the day and night.

UV rays are present even in the winter months. Try a triple layer approach to provide added protection for your lips: apply a lip balm with SPF, followed by a colored lipstick, and then finish it off with some shine.

Cover your face, especially on windy days. Make sure you have a scarf or hat with a mask that covers your lips.

Use a humidifier in dry environments to help moisturize your skin and lips.

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